Ekkehart Baumgartner
"So we sacrifice life and not the idea?"
(“Als die Welt zerstörbar wurde“)

Ekkehart Baumgartner was born in Starnberg in 1964. He studied sociology and social economics in Hamburg before working as a reportage and feature journalist.

In addition to journalistic articles, he has also published essays on social, cultural and design theory. He is the author of plays, short stories and novels.

Before becoming a professor in 2008, he worked as a copywriter, concept developer and creative director in agencies for international brands.

In 2021, his essay "The Thinking Hand" was published in the international white paper on the future of design teaching (publisher: iF Foundation, av Edition, Stuttgart). Until 2024 he was editor of the university publication series Visuelle Kulturen.

His novel "Als die Welt zerstörbar wurde" (www.osburg-verlag.de) was published in 2024. It describes the beginning of the atomic age. He now lives as a writer in Munich. In his new novel, which he is currently writing, he continues to deal with the circles of power in which freedom and democracy are negotiated (see contact).
